EP #171 - NOW PLAYING Mar. 7, 2025: The Oligarchs’ Coup: America’s Democracy 🗳️ Under Siege 📢

Economics Episodes

Nov. 12, 2024

Pharmacy Meltdown: Fewer Stores, Bigger Hassles

Text us your thoughts on the podcast The economic challenges facing pharmacies impact everyone. As more locations close, those that remain are overwhelmed with an increasing patient load, often with the same or fewer staff an...

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Sept. 26, 2024

Exempting Tips from Taxes: The Risks and Realities

Text us your thoughts on the podcast Today we’re tackling a topic that hits close to home for millions of workers — tipping. Has tipping reached its limit, or are we just getting started? supporting links 1. How Americans Fee...

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Sept. 25, 2024

Click, Watch, Unsubscribe: Streaming TV New Normal

Text us your thoughts on the podcast As more people cancel subscriptions, streaming video companies must work harder to sign up new users to expand their overall customer base. supporting links 1. Antenna [website] 2. The Fut...

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July 23, 2024

Unmasking Economic Anxiety: Understanding American Pessimism

Text us your thoughts on the podcast The perception of the economy among the American public is influenced by a complex interplay of factors, including media coverage, global economic connection, income inequality, political ...

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July 17, 2024

E-Wallet Evolution: Navigating the Cashless Era

Text us your thoughts on the podcast There are many risks inherent in the switch to a cashless society. However, with the change being considered all but inevitable, it becomes crucial for all organizations involved in the ec...

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Dec. 20, 2023

Buying Parmesan Cheese, Watch Out for the Microchip!

show notes Next time you buy Parmesan, watch out for the microchip. Food producers are going to ever greater lengths to protect their billion-dollar markets against knockoffs. supporting links 1. Stop Fake Food [website] 2. p...

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Oct. 25, 2023

Are Gas Stations Geared For Extinction?

Change is a constant. The world we live in is consistently evolving. Everywhere, all the time, something is changing. One of those changes happening is the corner gas station. Why would that be? I can say it with two letters...

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Sept. 27, 2023

USA’s Fiscal Time Bomb Ticks Louder: What Does This Mean for You?

The United States credit rating dropped to AA+ from AAA in August of 2023. The U.S. government will run a budget deficit of $1.5 trillion in 2023, along with a national debt currently hitting $30 trillion! supporting links 1....

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Sept. 6, 2023

China and India Are Soon to pass the United States as the Number 1 & …

China is poised to become the world’s largest economy between 2035 and 2040, thus surpassing the United States. Well, guess what? There’s another country knocking on the door…India. supporting links 1. Key facts as India surp...

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July 19, 2023

Storm Clouds for Binance and Coinbase With The S.E.C.

Is cryptocurrency drifting from being a niche to a fad? As of late, the S.E.C. has filed charges against Binance and Coinbase for money laundering and not registering as a broker. Will these two companies be heading for the c...

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Nov. 9, 2022

The Pros And Cons Of A Four-Day Working Week

Over the past two years, we had to deal with COVID-19 and all of the underpinnings it brought with it. As we started walking out of this virus nightmare, our society had time to rethink what they wanted in their work-life dur...

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Oct. 26, 2022

Rethinking Just-in-Time Supply Chain, For The Possible Next Time

American shoppers, in part, contributed to the breaking of the Supply Chain. The USA is a nation of impatient consumers. We’re geared that anything can be delivered to our homes, 24 by 7, with the click of a mouse button. COV...

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Aug. 17, 2022

France's Future Farmers Have Tech Shrewdness, and Want Weekends Off

Modern farms and agricultural operations work far differently than those a few decades ago, primarily because of advancements in technology, including sensors, devices, machines, and information technology. Today’s agricultur...

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