EP #142 - NOW PLAYING Oct. 16, 2024: Hungry 🥣 🥛 Children: GOP Rejects Federal Funds Out of Spite
Oct. 16, 2024

Hungry Children: GOP Rejects Federal Funds Out of Spite

Hungry Children: GOP Rejects Federal Funds Out of Spite

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Fifteen governors have decided to thumb their nose at President Biden out of spite, and at the same time allowing over 8 million children to starve.  

supporting links

1.     Why are GOP governors taking food out of the mouths of poor kids? [The Fern Org]

2.     Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders [website]

3.     Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen [website]

4.     2023 Kids Count Data Book [AEC Foundation]

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⏱️ 13 min read

Today, we discuss a troubling reality: millions of federal dollars intended to feed low-income children are being turned away by GOP governors, leaving countless kids to suffer the pain of hunger. Why? Out of political spite to President Biden. We’ll cover the shocking decisions made by these governors, exploring the consequences of their actions and the human toll they exact. Get ready to be stirred, angered, and motivated to demand change as we uncover the heartbreaking truth behind this unconscionable neglect.
🥣🚫 #HungerPolitics #KidsDeserveBetter

Welcome to That's Life, I Swear.  This podcast is about life's happenings in this world that conjure up such words as intriguing, frightening, life-changing, inspiring, and more. I'm Rick Barron your host. 

That said, here's the rest of this story  

The GOP has been yearning for power in Congress, the Presidency and even in the collective states that make this country. Power is what they consume and cherish. Yet, they lack the skill, the knowledge, the ability of dealing with their fellow man. 

Here’s a party, and in today’s world, that exactly what they are, a party that strives on the crazy, that decency is for suckers, that entertainment rather than governance is the way to go. Yes, Trump has these suckers all wrapped up in the palm of his fat hands.

A recent example of this new upcoming trend is what I can’t help but reference as a new low in political pettiness. What might that be?  Republican governors across the nation are turning their backs on millions in federal funds meant to feed low-income children, all to spite the Biden administration. This callous rejection of aid, especially during the summer when school meals aren't available, dumps countless kids into the depths of hunger.

The Republican governors are proudly highlighting their decision to decline millions in federal funding aimed at feeding low-income children during the summer months when school meals are unavailable. It appears they are prioritizing another opportunity to defy the Biden administration, even if it comes at the expense of denying hungry children access to food.

Instead of prioritizing the well-being of vulnerable children, these GOP leaders are more interested in sticking it to the White House, even if it means depriving innocent children of basic sustenance. The Summer EBT program, is designed to provide pre-loaded debit cards for purchasing essential food items. Did I mention the cost of this program? You better sit down as the dollar amount may shock you. Ready? The sum is modest, at $40 per child monthly, with a maximum of $120 throughout the summer hiatus. This allocation is adequate to afford milk and a selection of fresh fruits and vegetables, provided one shops with a keen eye.

States that participate agree to cover half of the administrative expenses, while the federal government bears the entire cost of the benefit, amounting to approximately $2.5 billion for 2024, along with the remaining administrative costs. Having undergone trials in various states, this marks the inaugural year of the program's nationwide availability, with expectations for the program to continue in the future.

However, individuals like Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds, are prepared to waive even these nominal sums. Reynolds, in a press release, asserted that "An EBT card does nothing to promote nutrition at a time when childhood obesity has become an epidemic." She contended that the program was "not sustainable" and failed to "provide long-term solutions for the issues impacting children and families."

Governor Kim Reynolds. Courtesy of Press Citizen

Ok, fair enough Kim. Tell us, the nation, what your ideas are besides ranting? What is your written proclamation or documented program that you offer that promotes nutrition that addresses childhood obesity and provide meals for children during the summer months? Kim, what say you? Kim? What about the other 14 governors out there? What are your ideas? 

The choice of Iowa to abstain from joining Summer EBT, the first newly introduced federal food program in decades, will result in "much more difficulty in providing my children with nutritious foods," Kim Reynolds stated. Kim, again, come up with a program that you and your fellow governors can present to address these issues. Enough with the whining ok.

Now besides Iowa, there’s a total of 14 other states that are rejecting the funding: Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, and Wyoming.

If these states have a moral compass there’s still time to participate. The cutoff is early January of 2025. Now, this shouldn’t come as any surprise, but all of these states share one common trait: They are governed by Republican governors.

Behind their flimsy excuses lies a shocking truth: the action of these 15 states condemns millions of children to empty stomachs, forcing them to go without vital nourishment during the long summer months. This heartless disregard for the most vulnerable in society exposes a shameful display of political gamesmanship at the expense of innocent lives. 

As these governors refuse to budge, an estimated 8 million children are left to suffer the consequences of their insensitivity. Despite pleas for compassion, these leaders remain unmoved, clinging to their political agendas while children go hungry.

While Summer EBT program may not solve every problem, the program significantly aids in alleviating hunger among children during the extended periods when free- and reduced-price school meals, upon which many impoverished and low-income families rely, are unavailable.

Reynolds' insensitive comments perpetuate harmful stereotypes about children in poverty, disregarding the harsh reality that fresh meat, milk, fruits, and vegetables are more expensive compared to unhealthy junk carbohydrates and heavily processed foods, which are major contributors to childhood obesity.

Ironically, parents—often portrayed by some of these same states as all-knowing and infallible authorities in matters of book bans and curriculum censorship—are oddly deemed too uninformed to make nutritious food choices for their children.

Governor Reynolds went on to say that "if the Biden Administration and Congress genuinely aim to prioritize family welfare, they should allocate resources towards bolstering existing state-level programs and infrastructure, while granting us the autonomy to customize them according to our state's requirements." 

Hmmm? Ok, that sounds fair.

However, it's worth noting that the last time Reynolds was afforded such flexibility, she redirected millions of dollars from the 2023 American Rescue Plan funds to deploy Iowa National Guard troops to the Texas border.

Kim, really!?

Now, not everything is gloom and doom here. 

The Department of Agriculture at the federal level revealed that 35 states, alongside all five U.S. territories and four tribal nations, predominantly in Oklahoma, had enrolled in the initiative. This initiative allocates $2.5 billion in federal funds to support approximately 21 million children whose families are already eligible for free or reduced-price lunches.

Among the 35 states participating, 22 are under the leadership of Democratic governors, while the remaining 13 are governed by Republicans, spanning various regions across the nation.

What was surprising to hear was that Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders expressed her commitment to addressing hunger for children in Arkansas, stating, "Ensuring that no child going hungry is a top concern for my administration... Summer EBT promises to be an important new tool to give Arkansas children the food and nutrition they need." Despite being a staunch Republican and a former press secretary to President Donald Trump, Sanders is prioritizing the well-being of her state's children over political differences with the White House. 

Working together for the better good. Yes, it can be done.

In contrast, Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen took a different stance, bluntly stating at a news conference, "I don't believe in welfare." Jim, take a walk around the block in your state to see what’s happening. 

Governor Jim Pillen. Courtesy of POLITICO

I say this because 1 in 10 Nebraskans lives in poverty, with a 2022 poverty rate for children under the age of 5 at 14%. In 2022, one in every nine poor Nebraskans relied on government assistance.

Children, unfortunately, lack the ability to vote and are not effective advocates. Pillen and other governors should set aside their cynical politics, if only temporarily, to prioritize providing food for kids who may have limited options this summer.

The choice made by the 15 governors could have profound implications, potentially impacting the 8 million children in these states alone. Ironically, many of these states are agriculturally rich regions, where farmers would undoubtedly want to fulfill the fresh food requirements of these children.

Here’s a case in point. In Iowa, the federal funding could have amounted to approximately $29 million dollars, aiding in the provision of meals for approximately 250,000 children during the summer. The backlash against Reynolds' initial comments was significant enough to prompt a clarification from a spokesperson for the state's health and human services, stating, "We did not imply that the Summer EBT program was associated with obesity. However, providing a cash benefit card with minimal purchase restrictions does not guarantee direct access to healthy meals for school-age children."

Perhaps Governor Reynolds and her state officials should walk down to the Iowa Food Bank and have a conversation about what’s happening in their own backyard. In November 2023, the Iowa Food Bank distributed a record 2.15 million pounds of food to families facing food insecurity across the state. CEO Michelle Book remarked at the time, "We see no end in sight."

It's important to note to the 15 GOP governors that food insecurity differs from mere hunger. 

While hunger can temporarily be relieved by consuming items like chips or oatmeal, food insecurity entails a lack of access to safe, nutritious food necessary for sustaining life and promoting health. Malnutrition often accompanies food insecurity, with the National Institutes of Health establishing a strong correlation between food insecurity and obesity.

Amidst this shameful display, there are glimmers of hope. Some governors, regardless of party affiliation, have stepped up to prioritize the welfare of their state's children. Yet, for every beacon of light, there are countless shadows of neglect cast by those who prioritize politics over the well-being of their youngest constituents.

What can we learn from this story? What's the takeaway?

In the face of such blatant disregard for human suffering, it's clear that political ideologies have overshadowed basic compassion and decency. It's time for these governors to set aside their shameful politics and do what's right: feed the hungry children who depend on their leadership for survival. 

Well, there you go, my friends; that's life, I swear

For further information regarding the material covered in this episode, I invite you to visit my website, which you can find on Apple Podcasts, for show notes calling out key pieces of content mentioned and the episode transcript.

As always, I thank you for the privilege of you listening and your interest. 

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