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Nov. 29, 2023

The Unauthorized Trump Tower Clock: A Monument to Power and Oversight

The Unauthorized Trump Tower Clock: A Monument to Power and Oversight

The debate over the Trump Tower clock is likely to continue for some time. However, one thing is clear: the clock is a reminder of the power of the wealthy and the importance of enforcing the rules.

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6 min read

To those who are very wealthy, their mindset is that rules do not apply to them. The rich and influential see their wealth as an entitlement to bend the rules as they see fit. Recently a secret has surfaced regarding the Trump Organization that speaks to that privilege and power mentality. 

It’s been discovered that the Trump Organization installed a very distinctive clock on Fifth Avenue, right in front of the Trump Tower, without applying for a permit or paying a fee. Well, color me surprised. What's also unbelievable is that New York City inspectors never noticed. Really! So, how in the hell does a sixteen-foot clock tower appear on a major city sidewalk, in front of the Trump Tower, no less, without being noticed!? 

Welcome to That's Life, I Swear. This podcast is about life's happenings. Topics that conjure up such words as intriguing, frightening, life-changing, inspiring, and more. I'm Rick Barron, your host. 

Here's the rest of this story

Donald Trump's alleged criminal activity now total four indictments that include 91 felony charges overall. Rumors are floating that more indictments could be coming. Why not. It just wouldn’t be a complete day if Trump didn’t something…again. The minor dispute between Trump and officials in New York City has just been reignited, and it was something that could’ve been avoided. You know, just like returning all the classified national defense documents from the White House when asked the first time, but I digress. 

The problem is that New York City’s Department of Transportation (DOT) is in a dispute with the Trump Organization over an unauthorized ornamental clock standing on a public sidewalk in front of Trump Tower, without a permit.

The back-and-forth between Trump’s company and the city continued until January 2017, when Trump was sworn into office as president and the Manhattan skyscraper became a security lockdown zone, prohibiting most construction. As a result, the issue was not brought up during his presidency.

So how did we get here?

Like every major city in the United States, tax dollars get collected from every citizen that's a business property owner. Take the great city of New York. The Department of Transportation collects millions of dollars from property owners in return for permission to place street furniture on, over or under city sidewalks. The list is pretty extensive. It includes, but is not limited to, signs, lampposts, benches, planters, permanent trash receptacles, delivery ramps, underground vaults, and almost anything imaginable, even ornamental clocks.

Such a clock sits in clear view, on the sidewalk at 725 Fifth Avenue. You can't miss it.  It stands sixteen feet tall and made of aluminum with gold and black accents, it has four faces, each bearing the surname of its owner, Donald J. Trump; of course, it would. Vanity, be they name.

In defense of the Department of Transportation, who are responsible for overseeing public space across all five New York boroughs, keeping track of all structures on sidewalks in a city as vast as New York is challenging. Scott Gastel, a spokesman for the department, explained that there are approximately 12,000 miles of sidewalk in the city and about 1,100 active revocable consents. He noted that many property owners do follow the rules, but some structures appear without the department’s knowledge. Ok, guess we should cut these guys a little slack. 

Front of Trump Tower building. Courtesy of: New York Times

Construction on the Trump Tower began in 1979. On February 14, 1983, Donald Trump unveiled Trump Tower to the world. The building is a gleaming, 68-story residential and commercial skyscraper, located at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 56th Street. Over the years, the tower became synonymous with luxury and extravagance.

Must admit, the inside of the building is pretty impressive.

The clock was installed in 2009, shortly after Donald Trump took ownership of Trump Tower. At the time, the Trump Organization did not apply for a New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) permit. The NYCDOT requires property owners to obtain a permit and pay a fee before installing any kind of street furniture, such as a clock.

Now the story here is that the Trump Organization has never explained why they didn’t obtain a permit for the clock. Trump Play Book, rule #23, when in doubt act dumb. Trump has mastered this technique very well.

Some have speculated that they simply didn't think they needed one, while others have suggested that they may have tried to avoid paying the fee altogether. The former excuse smacks with arrogance, while the latter reason is very believable.

Trump Tower clock. Courtesy of : Matzav

The Trump Organization's brazen installation of this distinctive clock without obtaining a permit or paying the necessary fees raises questions about the extent of the privilege, the power of money, and the effectiveness of regulatory mechanisms in a city renowned for its stringent rules and regulations.

Whatever the reason, the clock has remained in place for over fourteen years without any enforcement action from New York City Department of Transportation. In 2022, the NYCDOT finally went back to their file cabinet and found the ‘follow up after the 2020 election’ file, and sent a letter to the Trump Organization demanding payment of the permit fee. The Trump Organization has not yet responded to the letter. Ah yes, Trump Playbook, rule #147,…stall.

The city first asked the Trump Organization about the clock in 2015, ordering the company to remove it within 30 days. That’s when engineers with the Trump Organization filed for a permit to keep the clock, so they say. 

However, transportation records don’t indicate that the permit for the clock had ever actually been received and obtained city approval. When Trump filed to run for president, the clock's lack of a permit took a backseat to bigger issues at the building, like figuring out how to secure it for a president-elect in 2020. City officials told the Times that the clock had effectively been granted a stay.

The Trump company could apply again for a permit and complete the process by July 19, 2024 one day after the Republican National Convention, at which Mr. Trump hopes to be nominated.

Yes, timing is everything.

The city has calculated the potential fees to be paid for the amount overdue on the permit. Let’s see, based on a fee of $300 per month for such a clock, (minus any penalties or interest), fourteen years, $3,600 per year, comes out to $50,400. 

Sounds good, but, you knew there had to be a ‘but’ with Trump. The city cannot demand payment retroactively on a permit that was never applied for or issued. Small technicality. 

Not to give Trump any credit here, but what is so astounding about this story is the apparent lapse in oversight by city inspectors and regulatory authorities. Such a significant alteration to a prominent building should have triggered the alarm bells immediately for a city as densely populated and meticulously governed as New York. The fact that it went unnoticed for years raises serious questions about the efficiency and effectiveness of regulatory mechanisms. 

I wonder if Trump cashed in on a favor here. Nah, he's a stand-up dude.

Why does this matter?

The unauthorized clock installation raises questions about the effectiveness of the NYCDOT's permitting process. If the NYCDOT was unaware of the clock for over fourteen years, it suggests that the process is not working as intended or they’re afraid of a very small man. Just a thought. 

The Trump Tower clock is a symbol of the Trump Organization's disregard for the rules. It is also a reminder of the need for greater enforcement of the city's permitting process.

In addition to the legal issues, the unauthorized installation of the Trump Tower clock has also raised concerns about the aesthetics of the city. Some have argued that the clock is an eyesore that detracts from Fifth Avenue's beauty. Others have defended the clock, saying that it is a unique and iconic landmark. You be the judge.

What can we learn from this story? What's the takeaway?

The audacious installation of a 16-foot clock at Trump Tower without the necessary permits or payments, underscores the stark contrasts with the privilege, the power of money, and the vulnerabilities within New York City's city hall. 

It serves as a stark reminder that even in a city known for its stringent rules and regulations, the wealthy and influential can sometimes bend the rules to their advantage. In this case with Trump, it's the norm. 

Well, there you go, my friends; that's life, I swear

For further information regarding the material covered in this episode, I invite you to visit my website, which you can find on either Apple Podcasts/iTunes or Google Podcasts, for show notes calling out key pieces of content mentioned and the episode transcript.

As always, I thank you for listening and your interest. 

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