EP #168 - NOW PLAYING Feb. 19, 2025: Jonny Beardmore’s Epic 🚶🏻‍♂️ 32,000-Mile Postcard ✉️ Delivery Mission
April 30, 2022

Trailer: Welcome

Trailer: Welcome

Every other Wednesday, Rick Barron, invites you into a discussion about life’s happenings in this world that conjures up such words as complicated, intriguing, frightening, life-changing, inspiring, and more.

Thoughts and perspectives will cover politics, climate change, human behavior, people’s beliefs, and overcoming obstacles. He’ll touch on life’s imperfections as well as its celebrations, along with what life’s happenings can teach us and learn. After all, that’s life, I swear.
Be sure you subscribe here or wherever you get your podcast so you don’t miss an episode 


Hi, I’m Rick Barron, your host , and welcome to That’s Life, I Swear

This is a podcast on life, covering everyday topics that give me pause to contemplate.  They say that life is not simple to understand, and whoever said it would be?

That said, perhaps that’s what makes life so interesting.

When observing the daily happenings occurring in this world, I imagine words such as complicated, odd, intriguing, frightening, encouragement, life-changing, galvanized, and much more.

An example, and one dear to my heart, is climate change. We know what we’re up against, and yet we keep delaying taking serious measures to resolve the problems of climate. We’re always hearing, year after year, leaders and politicians saying they’re committed to solving the environmental problems, but in the next 30 years?’ Well, why not now?

So what can we learn from life’s daily happenings, or curveballs as I call them, that we cannot comprehend or grasp how to handle? Can these daily experiences teach us lessons about life?

I welcome you to join me as we discuss topics ranging from politics, technology, human behavior, people’s beliefs, overcoming obstacles, and many more.

I’ll offer my perspective on life’s imperfections as well as its celebrations. Finally, we’ll discuss some of the key take aways about life’s daily happenings and what they teach us or not teach us. 

After all, that’s life, I swear.

The It’s Life, I Swear podcast will launch in May, with new episodes following every other Wednesday from then on. Subscribe here or wherever you get your podcast.