EP #176 - NOW PLAYING Mar. 26, 2025: Book 📚 Review From Rick’s Library: GENERATIONS by Jean M. Twenge, PhD

Season 2

Feb. 1, 2023

Russian WWII Female Pilots Know As The Night Witches

Since February of 2022, I’ve been watching the ongoing war with Ukraine and Russia. When Putin’s army stormed in, they looked so polish and ready to conquer Ukraine in a manner of hours. Today the Russin army looks like a rag...

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Jan. 25, 2023

Having The Last Word With Wordle

Not sure what you do in the morning, but for me I have my coffee along with my iPhone, and start the day by plugging five-letter words into a grid, waiting for green, gray and yellow boxes to pop up. I know I'm not alone here...

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Jan. 18, 2023

Book Review From Rick's Library: ADRIFT by Scott Galloway

I love reading books. My interest runs across the board from history, novels, biographies and more. Last year I challenged myself to read 52 books in one year but only hit 47. I thought I’d share a book review on some of the ...

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Jan. 11, 2023

John Carmack Calls It Quits at Meta Due To Utter Frustration

About four weeks ago, John Carmack, who was the chief technology officer of Oculus, which Meta bought, called it quits and decided to leave. His reasoning for leaving? He said, [the project is working at] “half the effectiven...

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Jan. 4, 2023

William B. Gould, Escaped Slave and Civil War Diarist

William B. Gould III, was up in the attic with his son, clearing old items, dusting and making room. When lifting a box, something fell to the floor. It was his grandfather’s diary. Inside the diary was a story of his grandfa...

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