Since February of 2022, I’ve been watching the ongoing war with Ukraine and Russia. When Putin’s army stormed in, they looked so polish and ready to conquer Ukraine in a manner of hours. Today the Russin army looks like a …
Not sure what you do in the morning, but for me I have my coffee along with my iPhone, and start the day by plugging five-letter words into a grid, waiting for green, gray and yellow boxes to pop up. …
I love reading books. My interest runs across the board from history, novels, biographies and more. Last year I challenged myself to read 52 books in one year but only hit 47. I thought I’d share a book review on …
About four weeks ago, John Carmack, who was the chief technology officer of Oculus, which Meta bought, called it quits and decided to leave. His reasoning for leaving? He said, [the project is working at] “half the effectiven...
William B. Gould III, was up in the attic with his son, clearing old items, dusting and making room. When lifting a box, something fell to the floor. It was his grandfather’s diary. Inside the diary was a story of …